I'm Greg

a programmer and content writer.

cloud mountain sunset



Welcome to my website! Here you'll find information on what I can offer to your business. Scroll down to learn about my skills and projects.At the bottom of the page is a #Contact Me section. Click the #Learn More section to read about my education, courses, goals, and hobbies.

My offer.


Psychology & Content Writing

Software development in Python with Tkinter framework

Knowledge of marketing and social psychology

Building websites with HTML and CSS

Vipassana meditation lessons

Data manipulation using Pandas and Excel

Writing informative/technical/creative content

Who am I?

I'm a disciplined individual who likes programming, creativity, and helping people. I can develop applications, and websites, write content, and be an impactful team player. What characterizes me is my willingness to learn, positivity, open-mindedness, and versatility.

What do I want?

My main interest is to start a career in IT (ex. Software development, IT support, etc.). I am also open to other possibilities where I could grow as a professional. I seek a job/training/internship, and project collaborations.

In the next sections, you'll learn about my skills and completed projects. Click "learn more" to find out about my goals, education, and hobbies.

Let's get started!

Learn more.

My Skills.


Software Development

I'm an intermediate-level Python developer. I chose Python (logo from link) because it's fast to write, has broad usage, and very readable syntax. A great language to start coding.

I also know HTML and CSS. At the moment I am mastering Python. The next languages on my bucket list are Javascript, MySQL, C.

Here are the areas I am working on at the moment:

  • Mastering object-oriented programming;
  • Understanding hardware;
  • Adding features to my Flash-Cards app for learning languages;
  • Learning Git version control;
  • Improving my website.
  • Learn hardware by developing websites about it. They will contain images of different parts with descriptions.

Below is a list of the specific things I can do:

Object-oriented programming Setting up GUI using Tkinter framework
Developing websites with HTML and CSS Working on variables and data types
(logo by Freepik) (logo by Pixel Perfect);
Proficiency in using for and while loops List and dictionary comprehensions
Handling exceptions Global, local, and environment variables
Experienced using Pandas library for data manipulation Data encryption and security practices
Experienced in using APIs for accessing web data Creating nested dictionaries in the JSON format to store and retrieve data
Familiar with Git version branching and commits Linux OS and Bash scripting


Content Writing


I can create technical, scientific, informative, and creative articles, blog posts, and other text documents. I wrote many scientific articles, essays, projects, and presentations during my 5 years at the University.

You can view my blog under this link. There I publish informative, creative, and scientific content. Mostly related to meditation.

My Projects.

So far I wrote over 20 projects! And I continue adding to that number. Here are some of them:

Get In Touch.


Skills, knowledge, positive energy, and top effort is what I offer.

Willing to learn and contribute.

So don't wait and message me 📧.

Let's brighten each other's days!

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© 2023 Grzegorz Franz Figurski.